Self- declaration:
Print the form and take it with you to the guide.
l hereby confirm that l am aware of Norway Mountain Guides (NMG) terms and conditions.
I confirm that l am not aware of any abnormal health conditions that can result in increased risk from participation in trips or courses. I will Inform the guide about diseases and medication relevant for the trip
NMG Terms and Conditions:
Participation in outdoor sports and activities can involve a certain level of risk for accident and injury. You participate at these activities at your own risk and responsibility. You must have your own travel and personal insurance. NMG does not include any type of insurance.
Follow guide instructions during the entire event. Stay with the group if not otherwise agreed.
Replace damaged and/or self-inflicted loss of equipment rented from NMG.
NMG may use photographic or video footage taken of participants during courses and trips for publicity purposes.
NMG is not liable for the following: Bad weather or any other unforeseen or unavoidable conditions. Uninsured loss of personal belongings.
Date of birth: |
Nationality: |
Phone nr: |
Email: |
Place / Date :—————————————— ———–